Oduwacoin Co-founder Bright Enabulele says scammers are initiating fake oduwa tokens based on DEX on Ether Chain to swindle real buyers.

Oduwa Blockchain Solutions
2 min readSep 2, 2022

The Defi Coin scam is growing. Oduwacoin community, beware!

Oduwacoin (OWC) is an independent payment cryptocurrency that runs on its native blockchain, verifiable on Coinmarketcap and Coingecko.

We are not a token that is Ether or BSC Baked.

Beware of scammers cloning Oduwacoin on Dex. Scammers clone legitimate cryptos based on DEX, pair them with other leading Defi cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and pretend to be the Original Coin since most project owners are unaware of a clone version of the project running on Dex by scammers. This scam is hurting major projects racing for mass adoption in this space. There is a need for independent coalition agencies to help tackle such fraud and boost cryptocurrency acceptance worldwide.

Recently, a community member discovered fake Oduwa tokens on

Dextools.org and the Ethereum chain.

Here is the listing, https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x508f8016dd84d5a40ebba162e2db89c1d89956e0




Oduwa Blockchain Solutions

Oduwacoin : The First Pan-African Independent Blockchain Currency